Eco-Friendly Technology
Prior to line striping, Mr. Line Stripe has the ability to deep clean your parking lot or warehouse floor using the most advanced eco-friendly pressure washing methods in the industry. Our cleaning process involves immediately vacuuming up the water used for pressure washing, ensuring no heavy metal, oil, or toxins removed during the pressure washing process runs down the storm drain system, which feeds into our rivers and lakes. The result is longer-lasting line stripes and peace of mind knowing that you did not harm the environment during the line striping process. (Ask your sales rep for more information about our deep clean service)

Minimize Environment Liability
Mr. Line Stripe works closely with the Department of Ecology to ensure environmental compliance during the pressure washing and line striping process. We vacuum up the wastewater produced during the pressure washing process and haul it to our company’s waste treatment site to get treated. This ensures that no grease, oil, or heavy metals removed during the pressure washing process flows down the storm drains, which kills salmon and is against the law.
Competitive Prices
Complying with all the environmental laws does not mean you need to pay more. Environmental compliance is our specialty and we’ve got it down to a science.